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Welcome to the Temple Emanuel family. We look forward to getting to know you! To assist Temple clergy, staff, and lay leadership in helping to enrich your Temple experience, please fill out this form. We look forward to learning more about you and what you’re looking for in a synagogue!
Primary Contact Information
Adult Information
Click on + to complete information for each adult in your household.
Adult Information
Example: Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr., Mx., Rabbi, Cantor
If yes, please indicate name and relationship.
(i.e., Jewish education for children and adults, community, spirituality, etc.)


Click on the + below to add another adult.

Child Information
Click on + to complete information for each child (26 and under).
Child Information

Click on the + below to add another child.

Yahrzeit Information
A yahrzeit is the anniversary of the death of a close loved one. On the closest Shabbat to your yahrzeit dates, we will read the names of those you are remembering before reciting the Mourner's Kaddish. 
Click on + to complete information for each yahrzeit you wish to include.
*If observing the Hebrew date, please indicate whether death was before or after sunset.
Click on the + below this field to add another yahrzeit.

Temple Emanuel has many opportunities for social, spiritual, and educational engagement. While most of these events will be shared with the entire congregation through the website calendar, our weekly ‘Temple Happenings’ emails, and our seasonal bulletins, there are a few email lists for activities that may only interest certain groups within Temple’s community.

Women+ of Temple Emanuel (WTE+) – This group provides opportunities for social engagement including potluck dinners, events out in the community, volunteering events, and book club.

Men+ of Temple Emanuel (MOTE+) – This group provides opportunities for social engagement including “Brews” nights out, an annual Super Bowl Party, and volunteering events.

Temple Emanuel Retirees in Mitzvah Service (TERMS) – This group of retirees participates in a wide range of Temple service projects and social activities, including organizing our annual Memorial Day Bagel Brunch and Labor Day Picnic.

Adult Education Opportunities – Temple Emanuel offers numerous adult education opportunities throughout the year on a variety of topics.

Caring Community – This group coordinates support for Temple members in need, including preparing and delivering our annual High Holiday bags for seniors.

Gardening Group – This group participates in the beautification of Temple Emanuel by volunteering in our SHIM vegetable garden and/or flower gardens.

Volunteering – Temple Emanuel leads many volunteering events throughout the year including activities you can do at home and activities we can do together on location with our community partners.

Programs for Families of Young Children – Temple Emanuel offers many programs for parents of young children, including our monthly family Shabbat program called ‘KIDdish Club,’ family services for the High Holidays, learning and volunteering opportunities for families, and events during the summer.

Temple Emanuel Choir – Led by our Cantor, choir is a group for those looking for a space to sing with others and build community. No prior music experience necessary.

Kulanu –  As there is interest, Temple will connect members to form a Kulanu, a small group of individuals who share common interests and/or life stages and have the desire to learn, socialize and participate with other Temple members.

Please indicate the engagement opportunities that you’d like to hear more about as events and programs are planned.
Check all that apply.
Check all that apply.
At Temple Emanuel we value special skills, talents, and hobbies that our members can contribute to the Temple Emanuel community. Please tell us about any interests that you and your family would be able to share. (i.e. photography, cooking, arts, law, medicine, teaching, writing, musical instruments, languages, administrative skills, event planning, accounting/finance, etc.)

Additonal Information
Check all that apply.
Check all that apply.

Photo Waiver
We frequently share photos of our programs and participants on our Facebook page, Instagram, website, and with The Jewish Chronicle newspaper. While we cannot guarantee that you won’t be included in the background of any of these photos*, please indicate if you would NOT like us to share photographs of you on any or all of these platforms.

*Please note that we livestream all of our services to Facebook and YouTube. If you do not want to be shown in the live streams, we can direct you to seats in the space that won’t be on camera.
Please indicate if you would NOT like us to share photographs of you on any or all of these platforms.

If you have a secondary home, please provide the mailing address.  
Please indicate the time frame that mail from Temple Emanuel should be sent to this address. 
If yes, please include name and location of synagogue.  
Thank you and welcome to the Temple Emanuel community. A staff member will be contacting you soon to welcome you and to introduce you to the various activities available to you and your family. We look forward to getting to know you!
Sat, September 28 2024 25 Elul 5784